• 白骨队滑板最初的记忆

  • 状态:高清
  • 类型:冒险 家庭 预告
  • 主演:Tony·Hawk Rodney·Mullen Steve·Caballero
  • 年代:2011
  • 地区:其他

简介:Today skateboarding is omnipresent. Take a walk down any street in any town, and you are destined to see someone riding a skateboard. Well, it wasn’t always like that. In the early ’80s, skateboarding was fading away until Stacy Peralta brought a profoundly talented group of outsiders together and dubbed them the Bones Brigade. This documentary chronicles their epic rise, using awesome archival footage and moving first-person accounts from Brigade members Steve Caballero, Tommy Guerrero, Tony Hawk, Mike McGill, Lance Mountain, and Rodney Mullen, among others. Through passion, drive, creativity, and a surprising sense of teamwork, they revitalized the sport and influenced generations to come. Peralta brings his fourth documentary to the Festival and continues to display an uncanny knack for fusing style and substance in his films. BONES BRIGADE works on a number of levels and will blow the minds of anyone who grew up emulating these guys, but it also resonates for anyone who ever found a family or a purpose in an unexpected place. - T.G.(原文)今天滑板运动无处不在。漫步在任何城镇的街道上,你肯定会看到一些滑滑板的人。可是,以前可不是这样的。在80年代初滑板运动逐渐式微,直到Stacy Peralta将一群非常有天赋的圈外人组织起来成立了白骨队。这部纪录片通过非常详细的档案资料和采访白骨队的第一批成员Steve Caballero, Tommy Guerrero, Tony Hawk, Mike McGill, Lance Mountain, Rodney Mullen等等来叙述了他们的成长经历。通过**、动力、创造力和令人惊讶的团队合作理念,他们复苏了这项运动并且影响了后来的一代人。 Peralta带着他的第四部纪录片来到电影节,继续向我们展现了他运用非凡的电影手法来打造混合风格和表现电影本质的能力。电影《白骨队》影响许多不同水平的人,并且将会使那帮模仿这队家伙长大的人清醒过来,但它也会使那些总是在寻找家庭温暖和想在意想不到地方有所企图的人们产生共鸣。

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